


the problem of early marriage, the high rate of early marriage


The problem of the social phenomenon of teen marriage in Indonesia is one of the phenomena that often occurs in some areas of the homeland, either in the urban area or in the rural area. This case shows the simplicity of thought pattern so that the social phenomenon (teen marriage) still recurs and takes place in some areas of the homeland either in the big eities or in the remote homeland. The phenomenon of teen marriage  will have an affect on the family life and the quality of human resource of Indonesian. The age of teen marriage is relevant to the height of divorce rate because the husband/wife spouses who are the teenagers have not been ready to build household life. Physiologically, they have not been mature to think, even they tend to be unstable and emotional when there are problems and disputes in their household which end up with a divorce instead. Besiders a lot of divorce cases occur, the babby and mother mortality constitutes the highest case in Indonesia. Thus the social phenomenon of teen marriage is once again discussed by some esperts and public figures. They try to review Law Number 1 1974 article 7 section 1 which asserts women are allowed to get married at the age of 16 years old and men are 18 years old. Therefore this writing explains how the age of teen marriage on the positive law of the country and Islamic law. Therefore, this article explains the problems and high rates of early marriage.


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Arimurti, I., & Nurmala, I. (2017) Analisis Pengetahuan Perempuan Terhadap Perilaku Melakukan Pernikahan Usia Dini Di Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Bondowoso. The Indonesian Journal of Public Helath, 12(2), 249-262.

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Fikih, Pernikahan Dini di Indonesia, Jakarta, 2010.

IHEU. UN publishes IHEU statement: child marriage is child abuse. Didapat dari:

Jannah, U.S.F.(2012). Pernikahan Dini dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kehidupan Keluarga Pada Masyarakat Madura (Perspektif Hukum dan Gender). EGALITA.

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Mawardi, 2012. Problematika Perkawinan Usia Dini. Ada pada jurnal analisa penelitian Vol. 19.No.02 Desember hlm.201

Nahidloh Shofiyun, Kontroversi Perkawinan Di Bawah Umur (Studi Kasus), 2009, hlm.64.

Notoatmojo, Tindakan Seseorang Dipengaruhi oleh Sikapnya. PT.Rineka Cipta

Pohan, N. H. (2017). Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan Dengan Pernikahan Usia Dini terhadap Remaja Putri. Jurnal Endurance. 2(3), 424-435.

Suma, M. A. (2005). Hukum Keluarga Islam di Dunia Islam. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada.

UNICEF. Early marriage: a harmful traditional practice, a statistical exploration. Didapat dari: 2006.

UNPFA. Child marriage fact sheet. Didapat dari: 2005.

USAID. Preventing child marriage: protecting girls health. Didapat dari: 2006.

WHO. Implementation og general assembly resolution 60/125 of march 2006 entitled “human rights council”. Didapat dari: 2007

Yanti, Analisa Faktor Penyebab Dan Dampak Pernikahan Dini, dalam jurnal ibu dan anak. Riau: siak, Vol 6. No 2. November 2023, hlm.96

Yusuf, A. M. (2016). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif Dan Penelitian Gabungan. Kencana.




How to Cite

Aprilia, W., & Rambe, K. M. (2024). PROBLEMATIKA DAN TINGGINYA ANGKA PERNIKAHAN DINI. Jurnal Landraad, 3(1), 319–330. Retrieved from