
  • Adrianto "Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Shuffah Al-Qur'an Abdullah Bin Mas'ud Online Lampung Selatan"


Key words: treatment, infertility, law, Islam


ABSTRACT; Having children is one of the goals of marriage, namely preserving the offspring to be achieved. But as time goes by, husband and wife have not got obtain offspring, due to several things; Among the reasons is infertility in husband and wife. husband and wife who does the treatment infertility, and live a healthy lifestyle,and do the program pregnancy by  natural with sex,  then it can produce the desired pregnancy.   This is influenced by internal factors and external.  This article aims to explore or  find the law of medicine infertility (fertility disorders on husband and wife have), by using  ushuli approach, as namely analyzing the main points of the problem By using maslahah theory  dan maqashid al-syari'ah. This research is research  bibliography by method descriptive analysis, namely Analyzing treatment habbatussaudah with scholars classic, analyzing technology treatment infertility by using theory maslahah dan maqashid al-syari'ah. Results of this research, treatment technology of infertility in Islamic Law is can And in accordance with the principles Islamic treatment. Malik use maslahah with istinbath, and ghazali use maslahah with objective of kind and not violate with objective of syariah.



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How to Cite

Adrianto. (2024). PENGOBATAN INFERTILITAS DALAM HUKUM ISLAM. Jurnal Landraad, 3(1), 231–239. Retrieved from